Offered to Players in 
Grades 4-8​

We will be running TWO separate weeks of Skills, Drills, and Games Clinics 
for all interested players 

Two Separate Weeks -
August 14-17  &  August 21-24

Time:  8:00-10:00 am
Location:  Wesley Bishop Turf, Moorestown

Cost:  $195 per week or $375 both weeks

for UPRISE Club Members

$225 per week or $425 both weeks 

for Non-UPRISE Club Members 

Coaches:  Danyle Heilig & additional

UPRISE FHC Club Coaches

What do you need:  Stick, Shin Guards, Mouth Guard, Water, and a desire to learn and grow your game!

Interested in signing up?  

Please complete the google form below.  Upon completion, you will receive an email confirming your participation. 

August Clinics Registration
(click to register)

Any questions email


Field Hockey Club